Communications Committee
Goal: To increase and improve communication between the parish and our parishioners and the greater community so as to maximize our efforts to fulfill our parish mission of building the body of Christ.
Responsibilities: Ensure consistency of messaging across the bulletin, the Chronicle (e-mail newsletter), website, and Facebook. Committee members will also look into the best ways to reach parishioners and members of our neighborhood including direct mail campaigns, management of Parish census data, and instituting FlockNote.
Associated Ministries and Activities:
It is anticipated that the committee will meet from September- June for one hour each month.
All committee meetings will be open for parishioners to attend.
Members will work on committee-identified action items during the month.
Your assistance is needed with the following roles:
Committee Facilitator (1)
Responsible for preparing the agenda for each monthly meeting and running the meeting.
Anticipated Time commitment: Approximately 10 hours per month (September- June)
Committee Member (At least 6 members per committee)
Attend meetings, offer ideas, participate in follow up action items
Anticipated time commitment: Approximately 4 hours per month (September- June)
Committee Representative to Parish Council- 1 per committee (can rotate)
Attend monthly Parish Advisory Council meeting (4th Monday of each month from September- June) to report on the committee’s activities and progress that month.
Anticipated time commitment: 2 additional hours per month.
Please email us with any questions: holycrossparishcouncil413@gmail.com
Communication Committee
Email Outreach (Chronicle)
Letters to Parishioners