Community Life Committee
Goal: To extend a sense of welcome to all, to build and strengthen community via social events, to assist in the pastoral care of the parish community, and to provide outreach to our East Forest Park neighbors and the greater Springfield community.
Planning parish events. Committee members should be prepared to assist at events including preparation, serving, setup, and clean up and coordinate additional volunteers.
Planning community outreach including through our various Parish ministries: Take & Eat Senior Meals Ministry, Holiday Meals and Christmas gifts for community members in need.
A preliminary meeting will be held on
Monday, November 7th at 6:30 p.m.
in the Rectory Conference Room.
Please join us to learn more!
Associated Ministries and Activities:
It is anticipated that the committee will meet from September- June for one hour each month.
All committee meetings will be open for parishioners to attend.
Members will work on committee-identified action items during the month.
Your assistance is needed with the following roles:
Committee Facilitator (1)
Responsible for preparing the agenda for each monthly meeting and running the meeting.
Anticipated Time commitment: Approximately 10 hours per month (September- June)
Committee Member (At least 6 members per committee)
Attend meetings, offer ideas, participate in follow up action items
Anticipated time commitment: Approximately 4 hours per month (September- June). Time commitment may vary from month to month based on scheduled events.
Committee Representative to Parish Council- 1 per committee (can rotate)
Attend monthly Parish Advisory Council meeting (4th Monday of each month from September- June) to report on the committee’s activities and progress that month.
Anticipated time commitment: 2 additional hours per month.
Please email us with any questions: holycrossparishcouncil413@gmail.com
Community Life Committee
Coffee & Donuts Fellowship
Dine and Learn Events
Farmers Market
Lenten Sacrificial Meals
Open Pantry Collections
Outreach to the Poor
Parish Picnic / Mass on the Grass
Plarning Project
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Set-Up & Clean-Up for Events
Take and Eat
Welcome Bag Ministry
Various other events as determined by the committee