Mission Statement
Holy Cross Church is a welcoming Catholic community founded in 1949. We are dedicated to building the Body of Christ by fostering an inclusive parish community where all feel welcomed, valued, and supported. We radiate Christ’s love through our celebration of the Mass and the Sacraments, our service to our neighbors, and our fellowship events. We embrace the diversity of our congregation and encourage active participation in our parish life.
No matter what your present status in the Catholic Church,
No matter what your current family or marital situation,
No matter what your current personal history,
age, background, or race,
No matter what your own self-image —
You are invited, welcomed, accepted, loved and respected
here at Holy Cross Church.

Holy Cross Parish Pastoral Council
Gayle Begley Tom Domenichelli
Sue Callahan Ann Marie Duff
Jennifer Collins Pat Maroney
Mary Jean Daly Molly Moskal
Mary Davis Tony Yacavone
Our Parish Pastoral Plan 2024-2025
Goal 1: Build a welcoming, vibrant parish community that celebrates our cultural and generational diversity
Objective 1: Hold a ministry fair.
Objective 2: Remove some pews from the back of the church to create a space for fellowship.
Objective 3: Determine a follow up action to our new parishioner welcome bag and baptismal welcome bag ministries.
Objective 4: Hold a celebration of the 75th anniversary of Holy Cross Church on Sunday June 22, 2025.
Goal 2: Help sustain and nurture the faith of each parishioner by increasing the number of opportunities for spiritual growth
Objective 1: Hold Masses and receptions on saints’ feast days for different cultures represented in the Parish.
Objective 2: Provide a monthly activity to increase spiritual growth.
Objective 3: Promote, invite, and educate parishioners about Eucharistic Adoration.
Goal 3: Provide support and outreach to our neighbors in need
Objective 1: Determine if a group of parishioners would be interested in providing a monthly meal to the Springfield Rescue Mission.
Objective 2: Spotlight opportunities to have a greater impact on the Open Pantry.