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Our sister parish is St. Bartholomew, the Apostle, in Chiappas, Mexico.
Parish Twinning
One of the objectives of the Parish Pastoral Plan was to establish a sister parish relationsip or parish twinning with a parish in Mexico as a way to deepen our sense as members of the universal church. We began to establish this relationship with a parish in Chiappas, Mexico, called San Bartolome Apostol (Saint Bartholomew, the Apostle). Chiappas is the southernmost state in Mexico and borders Guatemala. We have made the connection with this particular parish through a referral from their retired Bishop, Samuel Ruiz, with whom I have worked on a couple of occasions.
Kevin McCarthy
Holy Cross Parishioner
Carranza is the main town of the parish.
The church is the church of San Bartolome Apostol.
Kevin presents Padre Javier, the pastor, a picture of Holy Cross.
Kevin and Mike break bread with parishioners.
Lay leaders and women from an indigenous community gather.
Parishioners from San Bartolome assemble.

Our Sister Parish
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